Let us introduce. ourselves
Anastasios Aggelou
Verre Terne Founder
What makes photography captivating to me is that it is a delicate play between the light and the shadows. Without light a shadow cannot be cast and an unbreakable link connects these two opposites.
In this inherent contradiction, that exists in every part of our lives, photography allows for creativity and imagination to unfold. In my 17 years of professional experience, I have had the opportunity to explore the limits of this paradox and to expand my world from just the black and white into an infinite palette of colour that exists in between.
My style is a combination of photojournalism and fine-art photography. My approach is always to stay true to my subject and present it in its beauty and simplicity. No games, no tricks, just honesty and authenticity. My goal, every time i take a photograph is to depict something real.
A place, a feeling, a moment.
At Verre Terne, me and my team share this vision and we create projects that resonate with our approach. We work hard and draw inspiration from the places and the people we meet in order to capture in our material the essence of each of our projects.