It is our strong belief that great material is created by one main principle. Aesthetics.

In this project we chose a secluded beach, an environment that at first glance would seem far from ideal for a photographic setting. This challenge drove us to draw inspiration from experimenting with light and shadow. We experimented with the contrast between black and white. Between the beauty and finesse of our model and the roughness of the landscape.

We created images that are delicate and images that are powerful, bringing to the frame all the contradictions of our subject.

This is a project that is striped from rules and restrictions. We encouraged our protagonist to express herself in a way that felt natural and we made sure to be ready to capture the perfect moments as they happened before us. In this way, we achieved a result that proves that neither backdrops, nor props are essential in capturing beauty.

This effortlessness is a quality we are proud of in our projects and in our work and that we believe gives the final product a distinctive character.